Trade art publisher, printer, framer & wholesaler

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All is pretty
I never read
In the future
I like Boring Things
Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn), 1967 (hot pink)
Elvis I and II, 1964 (Special Edition)
Flowers c.1964 ( red, yellow, orange on blue)
I Love You So, c.1958
Red & Black Car
Debbie Harry, 1980
Fifteen Minutes
Elvis, 1963 (triple Elvis)
Cow, 1976 (Special Edition)
Butterflies, 1955 (many/varied colors)
Gun, c.1981-82 (black, white, red on pink)
Self-Portrait in Fright Wig, 1986
$1, 1982 (Special Edition)
Banana, 1966
Campbell's Soup I: Tomato, 1968
Debbie Harry, 1980